
“So. What’s been going on today?” asks Milly.

“We have been for four walks, all short. No ball throwing. No pub. Limited treats. A bit Scrooge-like, I suggest.”

“Steady on, Milly, steady. This whining is unlike you.”

Looks up, rolls eyes, slumps in armchair.

“Ok, ok. Its been a busy day, between work and getting a Christmas tree – when I did leave you here for a short while – and the painter and …..”

Curls up, tightly, in armchair.

“And, its only Tuesday. Rarely exciting, Tuesdays. We will have the boys here on Wednesday, that’s tomorrow.”

Remains tightly curled up.

“And, we may go to the Kings Head for lunch, given that its Christmas.”

“Ha, promise?” wag, wag.

“Ok, I promise. Kings Head for lunch.”

“And, some ball throwing? My forecast shows very cold tomorrow, so I need exercise for warmth when we are walking to the pub.”

“Grand. Lets call it our Christmas treat.”

“You took me to the posh place last year – The George. Now I get only the pub.”

“Well, there’s always Thursday for The George, I guess. “

“Ok. Now, what was going on with you this morning, and today?”

“Explain, please, Milly.”

“You were pre-occupied and quite stressed this morning, then you were grand, then you floated away a bit.”

“Hmmm. You see too much, or is it perceive?”

“Perceive. We are very perceptive in my side of the Golden Labrador gene pool. I sensed you not sleeping for quite a while last night also. Tell me.”

“Well. Its the old game of stories in our heads, in my head, imagining a conversation that has not happened, and does not need to happen.”

“And …”

“This conversation, it is inevitably a negative one, bringing up unnecessary stuff from my recent past, stuff which has hurt me.”

“Ok. You’re in control of the conversation?”

“Yes, only 2 of us, so I have a high degree of control and influence.”

“Remind me why unnecessary stuff comes into an imaginary conversation that you can control?”

“Anxiety, stress, voices.”

“What happened in the real conversation, if it took place?”

“It was brilliant.”

Curling up slowly, with a quick look over her shoulder to me.

“Follow me, and chill.”


December 21, 2021 10:45 pm

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