Milly does therapy

Milly is not a girl of habit. She goes with the flow, once she gets her own way. She is open to new ideas and new friends. Mindspace Stamford has been a great new idea for her in recent weeks, until a response to lockdown guidelines resulted in the temporary closure of MindSpace.

Not to be deterred, Milly has been keen to pull in these as we have walked past several evenings, even when on our way to the train station, with fetching beautiful T home being the main task.

When Mindspace moved to their own premises back in February, the trustees made an enlightened decision to allow well behaved dogs to come with those of us using the services. So, Milly happily came with me. Her gentle demeanour, her smiley face, her utter calmness, all won her many admirers.

People who had been life long cat lovers, people who had never stroked a dog, people who didnt like dogs. They sat and talked to Milly, sat and stroked her unknowingly, told human Milly about canine Milly, ordered bowls of water from the volunteers for her.

Pretty quickly, I went to Mindspace and left Milly to her own devices. We would come back together when we left the drop-in session, both of us well fed. I was on the tea and cakes, and Milly either had the treats I brought along or those which fellow clients brought in due course.

Those were excellent days and weeks as Mindspace flourished in its new surroundings, and users flourished there also. I gained lots of levelling and simple humanity from my time there, and some great introduction – clients and volunteers. Milly simply enjoyed contributing, as being gentle and calm come so naturally to her.

When they are open for business again, both of us will be back there. In the meantime, we wish everyone at MindSpace Stamford safety and wellness, until we can meet physically again.

Milly says, Yes!

April 7, 2020 10:22 pm

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